Who’s Teaching You? Insist on a “Class A” PGA Professional
Hugh is a class A PGA professional and a member of the Quarter Century Club of the PGA of America. Class A PGA professionals must complete a 3 to 5 year apprenticeship under another Class A PGA professional as well as complete many in person PGA organized education seminars in order to earn their Class A Status. The whole process takes about 5 years to complete. Additionally, every year, Class A professionals are required complete continuing education courses to stay up to date on the latest technology and teaching techniques. Compare that to the week long online training program that some teachers say qualify them to teach. If you are taught the golf swing incorrectly, it may take years to correct. Make sure you are spending your money wisely with real PGA professionals that have dedicated their lives to the craft. If you are not conveniently located in the Oaks area, contact Hugh and he will recommend a PGA pro nearest to you.

Director of Instruction, Hugh Reilly Jr, PGA
After playing for Villanova for all four years, Hugh played on various mini tours in Florida before joining the Philadelphia PGA section in 1992. Through the years he has many professional victories including the 2011 Haverford Trust Classic with a 7 under par 65, which was the biggest one day tournament in America at that time. Hugh has been teaching for 30 years. When you sign up for lessons at Parformance you will be taking lessons from Hugh, not from an inexperienced newbie like at so many of the chain stores. And because Parformance is new we have set our rates very competitivly. Hugh’s teaching philosophy is rooted in the fundamentals that have won on tour for the last 50 years, not experimental new fads. Schedule a swing assesment today.
“Hugh uses video analysis as his main tool in identifying errors in your golf swing and tracking your progress through your lessons. You will see how your swing compares with tour players and learn how to get into the correct positions for repeatable, successful swings. Hugh simplifies the golf swing, reducing over complicated swing thoughts and increasing the fun you’ll have on the course! You will learn how to swing athletically with more power, distance and control!”

Contact Hugh to Schedule Your Swing Assessement:
Call or Text: (215) 778-5723
eMail: hugh7117@hotmail.com
Hugh Reilly, PGA
Learn how simple golf can be if done correctly. You will be amazed by how easy it really is. Just look at the pros on TV, they make it look easy right? It can be. But you have to learn just a few simple but crucial fundamentals. Get together with Hugh for a video swing analysis and delve deep into why the golf swing looks so easy to the pros on TV. There is nothing like comparing your swing to the most successful ball strikers in the world to give you the confidence you need to commit to the swing changes and drills you need to do to bring your game to the next level. Hugh will show you, through video analysis from two different positions, DTL(down the line), and FO(face on), how your swing differs from the pros and he’ll show you how simple it is to make the fixes you need, sometimes right from home. He will show you how to make your practice time as efficient as possible. All too often we practice with no clear goal in mind and we dig ourselves deep into a hole. So if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging! Learn how to practice the correct way. Remember, only perfect practice makes perfect. Hugh will give you drills you can do right at home to help prepare your body for the correct athletic move you need to make the swing simple and repeatable once you get to the course. If done right, golf can be easy and enjoyable. If done wrong, it can be immensely frustrating. So before you go out and invest in that new set, get your swing looked at by Hugh, the teacher that the local pros trust with their swing.

Rory and Tiger couldn’t have grown up further apart. Tiger was a native of Southern California while Rory grew up in chilly Northern Ireland. But somehow they found virtually the same swing. Tiger is the leading money winner in the history of the PGA Tour and Rory is the leading money winner in the history of the European Tour. This is the way you swing the club. It is also the easiest and simplest method to learn and to reproduce on the course when the pressure is on. Come on in and see how close you are. Through the OnForm video analysis app you can track your progress aver the coming months and see easily what you need to work on.

Our Pro
Hugh Reilly, PGA

Contact Hugh to Schedule Your Swing Assessement:
Call or Text: (215) 778-5723
eMail: hugh7117@hotmail.com
Half Hour
One Hour
Half Hour (Junior Under 18)
One Hour (Junior Under 18)
5 One Hour Lessons
10 Half Hour Lessons

1570 Egypt Rd Suite 150, Phoenixville, PA 19460
(610) 271-8149